Our curriculum is presented through the use of themes that include Home, Family & Pets, Community Helpers, Native Americans, Our Senses, Nutrition, Our Bodies, Safety, Plant Life, Insects, Dinosaurs and many others. We strive to positively challenge the children that attend our school and to help them develop interests at our learning center that will help prepare them for our ever changing and complex world. We see each child as an individual and encourage self-expression, independence, and responsibility. By having a higher standard of quality childcare in a unique setting and always being mindful of children’s growth and development Suburban School makes every effort to strengthen your child’s consciousness.
Being in a social setting helps your child to create connections, develop communication skills and learn to problem-solve. As your child moves through our program, learning centers, curriculum themes, and activities they become more sophisticated. Your child’s skills continue to develop by building upon prior knowledge and experiences. Suburban School has a large variety of quality resources, and we are continually reviewing and updating our curriculum and materials.
In addition to providing an enriched curriculum that is substantiated by portfolios, progress reports, and an annual developmental assessment, our Curriculum Coordinator is certified to administer and evaluate the Gesell Developmental Screening Tool. Our learning center and school curriculum is also enhanced through our outdoor environment which consists of numerous play and experiential areas; this positively effects brain development. With six wooded acres all of our students can be in an outdoor setting at the same time. The indoor environment is designed to be as homelike as possible to provide a secure and comforting atmosphere. Depending on the time of year in San Antonio and the age of the child, Children are served a morning snack, a nutritional lunch, and afternoon snacks in their classroom or outside on picnic tables. Cooking projects are included as part of the curriculum as well.
We strongly support a cooperative relationship between home and school. Along with informal communication, we enable this by incorporating additional opportunities to help keep parents informed and involved in their child’s progress. In September we have a Parent’s Afternoon to talk about the expectations for the school year. In December we have an Open House. In January we begin our Parent/Teacher conferences. Monthly, parents receive a calendar that details the themes, concepts, developmental skills and activities that are being presented. These are developed from the lead teacher’s lesson plans, which they prepare and reflects the school’s curriculum. Teachers also send home a monthly newsletter to share with parents some of the special moments that have occurred during class activities and to give insight into your child’s world at school.